Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Eyelash extension?

i'm asian and have non existant eyelashes, like most asians. I've been thinking about getting eyelash extensions....but the prices are steep in the pockets. I dont know if it will be worth it. Everytime i wear mascara it breaks my lashes. Are there any other products that can seriously lengthen and thicken my lashes for a long time that doesnt cost much money?Eyelash extension?
wow, your hot, you dont need to change the way you look, you look very hot. did I say your hot?Eyelash extension?
Hey! I'm asian too!

My friend got his cut in half during truth or dare one night and they've grown back long and thick

But it takes a month for that to happen and I don't think you want to be eyelash bald for that long

So instead of using mascara (because really, they're all chemicals that aren't good for your lashes) I suggest you curl your lashes (if they aren't naturally curled) and put vaseline on your lashes using a clean mascara wand or an eyelash comb.

Do it in the mornings, even if you're not going out but avoid putting and vaseline on several hours before you sleep cos then your eyes get puffy

BE WARNED: Vaseline CAN smudge your make up if too much is applied, esp lower lashes

But for special occasions (e.g. major major MAJOR date or prom or something) use a mascara! I love max factor masterpiece (amazingly lengthening but can clump) Diorshow (for maximum volume) and Imju Dejavu Fiberwig (looong eyelashes- lovely) and maybe available to you if you live in asia
Have you considered purchasing the singular, glue on lashes (like at Sally's) and applying them yourself where you need them??? the cost is quite slight...................I use them frequently............about 2 to 3 $ .....

Check it out
You can wear fake eyelashes.

There are some great lengthening mascaras - Maybelline Define a Lash is very nice. I use a product called Lash Extensions that is sold by HSN.COM - it is absolutely excellent - it brushes little fibers on your lashes after your first coat of mascara - then curl again and add a second coat of mascara - it looks like your lashes are thicker and longer because of the fibers
There are a few products to make eyelash be longer and thicker, but real good ones are quite expensive. Anyway if you are interested LiLash is great, and you're sure it will not make your lashes break.
You can try using Vaseline on your lashes every night, or a product called Revitalash. These will moisturize and condition the lashes you do have and minimize breakage. Also, only use gentle eye makeup removers when washing face, never scrub eyes.

Beyond that, your options are mascara, falsies, or extensions. Extensions are very pricey and are not permanent. Unless you have lots of expendable cash it is not really worth it as a long term solution. I think false eyelashes are your best option. You can buy cheaper and natural looking ones in drugstores (I like the Revlon ones) and they can be cut to your preference. Use a conditioning volumizing formula of mascara like Maybelline full and soft or Loreal voluminous. Put on a couple of coats and let dry, then add more to the ends only to build length.

This is all you can really do. Hope this helps!
yes, I tried this Lash Lenghtning oil out on this natural site- and it grew both mine and my daughter's lashes. I thought it was a tiny bottle, but we both used it .

They are thicker and longer now.

SOmehting used by geisha they said

It is expensive, but am thinking not as much as the extensions- and besides they'll be your own ;)

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